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COMPRAR AHORASeguimiento de Telegram
Keep your kids safe online using the app for remote control EvaSpy Telegram App.

Record Keystrokes
View all keystrokes on Telegram to check what your children are up to.View sent text messages
Keep an eye on all sent messages and ensure that your beloved one doesn’t share personal information with strangers.Read received text messages
Ensure that your kid hasn’t fallen into a bad company and isn’t being bullied by viewing Telegram received text messages.
Devices running Android 8 and lower support only the keylogging feature on Telegram.
Why Is Skype Monitoring Helpful?
predators are online every day.
Telegram can be easily used by strangers and sexuals to start communication with young users who don’t suspect that they may become a victim of online predators on social apps. Further, thousands of kids are being bullied online every day and if you want to keep your kid safe, you’ll have to track all the most popular social apps and instant messengers, including Telegram.
By providing you information about your child’s Telegram chats, EvaSpy helps you protect your beloved one from online dangers.
Monitoring of other apps
EvaSpy can track more than 50 apps, including
Soluciones adicionales del EvaSpy
Grabar todas las pulsaciones de teclas, capturar contraseñas, visitar sitios web, chats y hacer capturas de pantalla.