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ACQUISTA ORAMonitoraggio di Viber
Track your kid’s Viber activities remotely with EvaSpy to protect them from unwanted interactions.
*Note that EvaSpy captures incoming text messages from Viber
notifications. To read Viber incoming text messages, please make sure that the Preview feature is enabled in the
messenger on the target device.

Read sent text messages
Check what your teen is texting about with his Viber contacts.Track received text messages
Keep an eye on Viber received text messages to ensure that your children are not being bullied and to protect them from bad influence.View Viber nicknames
EvaSpy lets you check who your kid interacts with by showing you Viber nicknames near each recorded message.Control Viber activities on the go
You can view all recorder Viber logs via your EvaSpy online dashboard from any place and any gadget connected to the Net.
Why Track Viber Chats?
of bullying victims develop social anxiety.
Like any other social app, Viber can be used by cyberbullies and online predators for illegal purposes. This app is installed on practically every teen’s device and parents should control who their children communicate with on this app to protect them from online dangers.
EvaSpy gives you total control over all current Viber interactions as it helps you read your kids’ text messages and check who your children communicate with.
Monitoring of other apps
EvaSpy can track more than 50 apps, including
Altre soluzioni EvaSpy
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