Gmail Monitoring

Track remotely your child’s Gmail notifications to protect them from cyberbullying, predators, and online strangers. EvaSpy records Gmail notifications, letting you know the subject of the email and the sender’s info.
Gmal mail tracking removed on Android phone
  • Track Gmail notifications

    Track Gmail notifications

    Check what kind of emails you child receives with the help of Gmail notification tracking. EvaSpy will show you the subject of the incoming email and the sender’s information.
  • Check time & date stamps

    Check time & date stamps

    View when exactly your kid received this or that email with EvaSpy.
  • Monitor Gmail on the go

    Monitor Gmail on the go

    Track Gmail notifications from any place and any device via your online account.

Why Do You Need to Track Gmail?

of teens have a hidden email address or social networking account.

Gmail can be used by online strangers to involve kids in unwanted activities or to learn some personal information about a child. EvaSpy lets you track Gmail notifications and keep an eye on incoming emails. On your online dashboard, you can view all Gmail notifications that you child receives with the subject of the email, the senders’ info (like their email address or the name, depending on the notification), and time & date when your kid received an email.

By the way, Gmail tracking is also a good way to learn more about kids’ interests and other activities as they tend to register on online platforms with their Gmail addresses. Be it a notification with incoming email or registration confirmation, EvaSpy will record it.

Monitoring of other apps

EvaSpy can track more than 50 apps, including
  • Geoposition

Outras soluções EvaSpy

Gravar todas as teclas, digitar senhas, visitar sites, bate-papos e tirar screenshots

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